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Single Ignition Cakes


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Anti Venom


SHOTS: 100 DURATION: 120 secs NOISE LEVEL: Low DISTANCE: 15m NEW FOR 2024!The perfect low noise firework with a mixture of effects including peonies, coloured comets, blue and silver flying bees, crackling and golden willows. Check out the video:   

Crazy Crocs


SHOTS: 96 DURATION: 20 secs NOISE LEVEL: Medium DISTANCE: 8m Ideal for parties with younger children.A crazy display of red, green and crackling comets racing into the sky.    Included in the 3 for £20 special offer. Use discount code 3for20 at the...

Dizzy Dinosaur


SHOTS: 36 DURATION: 30 secs NOISE LEVEL: Low DISTANCE: 8m Perfect for the younger children and smaller gardens. Creating a performance brocade bursts with red, blue and green stars.Check out the video:

Fish and Chips


SHOTS: 25 DURATION: 40 secs NOISE LEVEL: Low DISTANCE: 8m A great small garden firework, perfect for young children. Creating a performance of silver flying fish in a blue lake and huge spinning silver spirals.  Included in the 3 for...

Fishes and Seahorses


SHOTS: 30 DURATION: 45 secs NOISE LEVEL: Low DISTANCE: 8m Ideal firework for small gardens. Displaying crackling tail to silver fish in a blue sea, changing to white strobes and brocade cascading horse tails. Check out the video:

Strike a Rose


SHOTS: 26 DURATION: 30 secs NOISE LEVEL: Low DISTANCE: 8m A mind-blowing firework displaying a red crossette effect of four stars in a cross shape. Suitable for a quieter display.   Check out the video: